Student Leadership
Student Leadership:
At the start of Autumn term, we organising elections that structure the school and pupil voice with student leaders. At Abbeywood First school student leadership is not the sole domain of the student council. Student leadership roles appear throughout year groups and in a variety of guises including Student Ambassadors for charity, civic, sport, eco and diversity. Alongside these we have play leaders that support during social times.
Abbeywood First School champion the importance of structured student leadership opportunities recognising the many benefits this can have for students and the school community. These might include:
- Increased student engagement – student leaders are more likely to be engaged in their education and invested in the success of their school.
- The development of valuable personal skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and decision making which will enhance their learning.
- Increased school community engagement as students support events within school and out in the community.
- Enhanced school culture through student leaders promoting a sense of cohesion and community within the school.
- The development of student voice to identify and address issues of inequality, discrimination and social justice within the school.
Whilst there may be a focus on key groups of students all students can benefit from developing their own leadership skills and this can be achieved in a wide range of contexts. We ensure student leaders can be active in all areas of school life including sports, subjects, peer support and mentoring and volunteering.
We are extremely proud of our school and how much we look after our environment. We continually work hard to help our school become even more sustainable. We meet every two weeks, and we are currently focusing on the following areas.
Energy saving, school grounds, waste and recycling, bio diversity.
Our school Eco Code:
Greener Planet
Healthier Lives
School Council.
At Abbeywood First School. We like to get involved in school as much as we can. We meet every other week fortnightly on Mondays to discuss school issues. Two children from each class are chosen to represent their peers and our school and contribute to discussions and decision-making. This is lead by Mrs Hughes and Miss Garey.
Meet our School Council Members 2023-2024:
Our School Ambassadors are:
Our main job is to have an impact on how our school is run. We like to make sure that all the children at our school are happy and enjoy their time with us. Our previous work has included: raising money for charity, developing questionnaires for the pupils in school to gather their views.